"Proud Sluts" Damaging Women's Rights?

Are Proud Sluts Damaging Women's Rights?

It's been less than 100 years since women have been allowed to vote.  Let that sit for a minute.  And up until 1968, a landlord could LEGALLY not rent to a woman for NO other reason than she had a well, not to make it graphic, but vagina. 

Ya'll been in middle school at some point and you probably memorized that one little line in the constitution, "All Men Are Created Equal." Despite the fact that the 19th amendment enabled us to vote, there is nothing in the constitution or any legislation that guarantees a woman the same equal rights as a man. 

Here's some other quick facts you might not know about women's rights:

1. Women make $.78 to what men make

2. Only 17% of congress is made up of women

3. Up until 1974, a woman could not have a credit card in her own name.

4. Until 1978, a woman could be fired from her job for being pregnant. 

So yea, times have changed a bit but we're kind of this awkward, we want to be taken serious but we want to run rampant and do whatever we please phase. 

Counterproductive to women's rights?

With all the controversy surrounding slut shaming vs. women's rights to the fact that there's a substantial shot (love her or hate her) that a woman could legitimately be running the country in a few months, things sure have changed from the initial fight for the simple right to vote.  Which is still strange that there's a convo to be had about if we're "ready" for a woman president. 

Snow posted to her IG earlier today and the trail of comments ensued on both sides of the fence.  What do ya'll think?  Are we pushing the envelope a little too far? And sure, we all want the rights to do what we please with OUR bodies, but are these the same ethics and morals that you would wish to teach your own children?   



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  • DJBlackDahliaNYC on

    Just look at all the derogatory words for women out there: Bitch, Cunt, Slut, etc. All meant to shame women into the ideal that we are supposed to be demure, submissive individuals. I personally do not like the term slut at all, but I can understand how some women are taking to to use as a term of power. Rather than having some over testosterone filled individual label us, it’s giving us the right to be who we are without the patriarchal context. I think men can be sluts too, the double standard needs to stop. Everyone has a right to choose what the do with their bodies in this more sex-positive world we live in. Do I have an internal issue with anyone who randomly selects partners, YES. Do I have a problem with sex, NO. It’s a fine line and I’m in the middle.

  • BluJayy JoDee on

    There are so many issues about women’s right especially in this county. Yes, today us women are allow do so many things now. We get to have things in our name, we get work and have equal pay. In some cases, women are the one who make more than men. Even some women are doing a man’s job and doing it better. Us, women can do so many thing when we put our mind to it. We can accomplish a lot. But yet, there are women out there that just depend on men to do things. And women who just throw themselves around.
    We can’t do shit about it. All we can do is watch their actions and learn from it.

  • Asiago Dasani Lattimore on

    Women who want to be like this can be but that doesn’t make you less of a women because some others women want to have sex with millions of guys. They can’t have a stable household

  • Alejandra on

    There is a freedom of speech that everyone will want to refer to, but there is honestly kind of a level or like a perspective that is acceptable. In this case, not really. Yes, you can be proud of yourself and whatever but still.

  • Alexander walker on

    I agree with snow…women should not be dildo throwing ✖ !! Also saying that you’re proud to be a slut is one of the most retarded things a female can do..like seriously…go find some morals

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