"Proud Sluts" Damaging Women's Rights?

Are Proud Sluts Damaging Women's Rights?

It's been less than 100 years since women have been allowed to vote.  Let that sit for a minute.  And up until 1968, a landlord could LEGALLY not rent to a woman for NO other reason than she had a well, not to make it graphic, but vagina. 

Ya'll been in middle school at some point and you probably memorized that one little line in the constitution, "All Men Are Created Equal." Despite the fact that the 19th amendment enabled us to vote, there is nothing in the constitution or any legislation that guarantees a woman the same equal rights as a man. 

Here's some other quick facts you might not know about women's rights:

1. Women make $.78 to what men make

2. Only 17% of congress is made up of women

3. Up until 1974, a woman could not have a credit card in her own name.

4. Until 1978, a woman could be fired from her job for being pregnant. 

So yea, times have changed a bit but we're kind of this awkward, we want to be taken serious but we want to run rampant and do whatever we please phase. 

Counterproductive to women's rights?

With all the controversy surrounding slut shaming vs. women's rights to the fact that there's a substantial shot (love her or hate her) that a woman could legitimately be running the country in a few months, things sure have changed from the initial fight for the simple right to vote.  Which is still strange that there's a convo to be had about if we're "ready" for a woman president. 

Snow posted to her IG earlier today and the trail of comments ensued on both sides of the fence.  What do ya'll think?  Are we pushing the envelope a little too far? And sure, we all want the rights to do what we please with OUR bodies, but are these the same ethics and morals that you would wish to teach your own children?   



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  • strange woke texan on

    im glad snow fights for what she believes in #snowforpresident

  • Scarlett on

    I’m ashamed of these women!! Woman shaming is what we should be fighting for! Not slut shaming.

  • Zach b on

    Great writing.
    Snow went ham on this topic haha. No whales in the streets!

  • jesus on

    No matter what you agree with someone will always judge who you are, what you stand for. No one will ever be satisfied with your opinion so Fuck them and be happy with yourself

  • MisterLopz on

    After reading a little more on the subject, I think that the use of the word slut is a protest itself. They’re protesting against the fact that a woman can be known as a slut regardless of her action. Men are constantly looking down on women; if she says yes, she’s a slut. If she says no, then they try to find a reason why and end up with the same conclusion. So I think the “sluts” use this denomination to show the world that they’re proud of who they are (and they are sluts for thinking this way, in the eyes of others).

    I also found out that the slutwalk is a direct protest against the rape culture, so it makes sense that the name is so sexualized. With all that said, I agree with what they’re fighting for, but in my opinion, they’re sending the wrong message with their name. I know it looks like I’m contradicting myself, but what I mean is: I think their complaints proceed, and they use a smart name, but this name causes a considerable number of people to misjudge them, so it ends up doing more bad than good.

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